Policies and Procedures


Outlandish Birth must comply with the terms and conditions set forth in the Ethics and Standards of Practice. It is the responsibility of each educator to read, understand and operate under these standards.


Outlandish Birth will follow proper safety protocols at all times. These protocols include those laid out by their Blood Borne Pathogen and Food Handler training as well as topics discussed in BEST Placenta.


No False Claims


Outlandish Birth will make no claims concerning the benefits of placenta ingestion. Outlandish Birth does not confer practitioners to be​ licensed medical professionals and practitioners do not diagnose, treat, or prescribe for any health condition. No specific benefits are promised and benefits have not been evaluated by the FDA. It is the responsibility of the clients to determine if using placenta preparations may be of benefit to them. Placental supplementation is intended solely for ingestion by the individual  who has birthed the placenta(s).


It is Outlandish Birth's duty to provide the services claimed on their marketing and on contracts. All services will be performed competently based on the standards of practice, safety and guidelines taught by BEST Placenta.



Outlandish Birth respects a client’s right to privacy and confidentiality.  Information shared between client and encapsulator must not be shared elsewhere. Encapsulators are not bound by HIPAA, but must honor the client’s right to privacy.  This includes any and all details and information about pregnancy, birth, postpartum, life, and health. Outlandish Birth does not announce pregnancies, births or other private information by any means of communication, including social media, without client permission. 


Professionalism and Integrity

Outlandish Birth honor all births and maintain professional conduct in all situations. Outlandish Birth encapsulators support relationships for collaborative care with health care providers, and other professionals involved in their clients’ care.


Outlandish birth communicates with other birth professionals online and otherwise respectfully, always with the goal of creating relationships and fostering growth. Outlandish birth encapsulators choose professional distance over conflict when necessary.


Outlandish Birth will follow all laws and ordinances of their local area, state, and country.



Outlandish birth aims to have a comprehensive referral list and make ​referrals to appropriate community resources as needed. This may include, but is not limited to health care providers, naturopaths, mental health care professionals, lactation consultants, and community groups.


Alternative Therapies

Outlandish Birth does not provide training or certification in alternative therapies, including traditional Chinese Medicine, herbal preparations or essential oils. Outlandish Birth does not confer the right to offer any of these therapies.